
Current Owner Search

TraceQ will research and locate the last full value or consideration deed and report all mortgages, judgments, tax status on the property from last property purchase to current date, as well as, copy of the vesting deed - Current Owner search is what you need. Current Owner Title Search is ideal for foreclosure auctions, pre-tax auctions, short sales, tax sales, tax certificate purchases, non performing note transactions, by-owner transactions, refinance, checking for clear title.

You will receive a Title Report on all outstanding mortgages, liens and judgments recorded against the property and current owner(s).

Slick performs a legal and vesting information search, mortgage and assignment search, federal, state and municipal lien search, HOA (Home Association) lien search recorded at the county level, Civil judgment search including Foreclosure Proceedings at the civil court, as well as, bankruptcy and tax delinquency status.